以下示例将结构体数组转换为 arrow::Table
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <arrow/api.h>
#include <arrow/result.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using arrow::DoubleBuilder;
using arrow::Int64Builder;
using arrow::ListBuilder;
// While we want to use columnar data structures to build efficient operations, we
// often receive data in a row-wise fashion from other systems. In the following,
// we want give a brief introduction into the classes provided by Apache Arrow by
// showing how to transform row-wise data into a columnar table.
// The table contains an id for a product, the number of components in the product
// and the cost of each component.
// The data in this example is stored in the following struct:
struct data_row {
int64_t id;
int64_t components;
std::vector<double> component_cost;
// Transforming a vector of structs into a columnar Table.
// The final representation should be an `arrow::Table` which in turn
// is made up of an `arrow::Schema` and a list of
// `arrow::ChunkedArray` instances. As the first step, we will iterate
// over the data and build up the arrays incrementally. For this
// task, we provide `arrow::ArrayBuilder` classes that help in the
// construction of the final `arrow::Array` instances.
// For each type, Arrow has a specially typed builder class. For the primitive
// values `id` and `components` we can use the `arrow::Int64Builder`. For the
// `component_cost` vector, we need to have two builders, a top-level
// `arrow::ListBuilder` that builds the array of offsets and a nested
// `arrow::DoubleBuilder` that constructs the underlying values array that
// is referenced by the offsets in the former array.
arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table>> VectorToColumnarTable(
const std::vector<struct data_row>& rows) {
// The builders are more efficient using
// arrow::jemalloc::MemoryPool::default_pool() as this can increase the size of
// the underlying memory regions in-place. At the moment, arrow::jemalloc is only
// supported on Unix systems, not Windows.
arrow::MemoryPool* pool = arrow::default_memory_pool();
Int64Builder id_builder(pool);
Int64Builder components_builder(pool);
ListBuilder component_cost_builder(pool, std::make_shared<DoubleBuilder>(pool));
// The following builder is owned by component_cost_builder.
DoubleBuilder* component_item_cost_builder =
// Now we can loop over our existing data and insert it into the builders. The
// `Append` calls here may fail (e.g. we cannot allocate enough additional memory).
// Thus we need to check their return values. For more information on these values,
// check the documentation about `arrow::Status`.
for (const data_row& row : rows) {
// Indicate the start of a new list row. This will memorise the current
// offset in the values builder.
// Store the actual values. The same memory layout is
// used for the component cost data, in this case a vector of
// type double, as for the memory that Arrow uses to hold this
// data and will be created.
row.component_cost.data(), row.component_cost.size()));
// At the end, we finalise the arrays, declare the (type) schema and combine them
// into a single `arrow::Table`:
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> id_array;
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> components_array;
// No need to invoke component_item_cost_builder.Finish because it is implied by
// the parent builder's Finish invocation.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> component_cost_array;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> schema_vector = {
arrow::field("id", arrow::int64()), arrow::field("components", arrow::int64()),
arrow::field("component_cost", arrow::list(arrow::float64()))};
auto schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(schema_vector);
// The final `table` variable is the one we can then pass on to other functions
// that can consume Apache Arrow memory structures. This object has ownership of
// all referenced data, thus we don't have to care about undefined references once
// we leave the scope of the function building the table and its underlying arrays.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table =
arrow::Table::Make(schema, {id_array, components_array, component_cost_array});
return table;
arrow::Result<std::vector<data_row>> ColumnarTableToVector(
const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table>& table) {
// To convert an Arrow table back into the same row-wise representation as in the
// above section, we first will check that the table conforms to our expected
// schema and then will build up the vector of rows incrementally.
// For the check if the table is as expected, we can utilise solely its schema.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> schema_vector = {
arrow::field("id", arrow::int64()), arrow::field("components", arrow::int64()),
arrow::field("component_cost", arrow::list(arrow::float64()))};
auto expected_schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(schema_vector);
if (!expected_schema->Equals(*table->schema())) {
// The table doesn't have the expected schema thus we cannot directly
// convert it to our target representation.
return arrow::Status::Invalid("Schemas are not matching!");
// As we have ensured that the table has the expected structure, we can unpack the
// underlying arrays. For the primitive columns `id` and `components` we can use the
// high level functions to get the values whereas for the nested column
// `component_costs` we need to access the C-pointer to the data to copy its
// contents into the resulting `std::vector<double>`. Here we need to be careful to
// also add the offset to the pointer. This offset is needed to enable zero-copy
// slicing operations. While this could be adjusted automatically for double
// arrays, this cannot be done for the accompanying bitmap as often the slicing
// border would be inside a byte.
auto ids = std::static_pointer_cast<arrow::Int64Array>(table->column(0)->chunk(0));
auto components =
auto component_cost =
auto component_cost_values =
// To enable zero-copy slices, the native values pointer might need to account
// for this slicing offset. This is not needed for the higher level functions
// like Value(…) that already account for this offset internally.
const double* ccv_ptr = component_cost_values->raw_values();
std::vector<data_row> rows;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < table->num_rows(); i++) {
// Another simplification in this example is that we assume that there are
// no null entries, e.g. each row is fill with valid values.
int64_t id = ids->Value(i);
int64_t component = components->Value(i);
const double* first = ccv_ptr + component_cost->value_offset(i);
const double* last = ccv_ptr + component_cost->value_offset(i + 1);
std::vector<double> components_vec(first, last);
rows.push_back({id, component, components_vec});
return rows;
arrow::Status RunRowConversion() {
std::vector<data_row> original_rows = {
{1, 1, {10.0}}, {2, 3, {11.0, 12.0, 13.0}}, {3, 2, {15.0, 25.0}}};
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table;
std::vector<data_row> converted_rows;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(table, VectorToColumnarTable(original_rows));
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(converted_rows, ColumnarTableToVector(table));
assert(original_rows.size() == converted_rows.size());
// Print out contents of table, should get
// ID Components Component prices
// 1 1 10
// 2 3 11 12 13
// 3 2 15 25
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(3) << "ID " << std::left << std::setw(11)
<< "Components " << std::left << std::setw(15) << "Component prices "
<< std::endl;
for (const auto& row : converted_rows) {
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(3) << row.id << std::left << std::setw(11)
<< row.components;
for (const auto& cost : row.component_cost) {
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(4) << cost;
std::cout << std::endl;
return arrow::Status::OK();
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto status = RunRowConversion();
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cerr << status.ToString() << std::endl;
):将模板函数缩小到特定的 Arrow 类型,与访问者模式结合使用非常有用。arrow::TableBatchReader
以下示例展示了如何在 rapidjson::Document
和 Arrow 对象之间进行转换。您可以在 apache/arrow 阅读完整的代码示例
写入到 Arrow 的转换#
要将行转换为 Arrow 记录批次,我们将为所有列设置数组构建器,然后为每个字段遍历行值并将其追加到构建器。我们假设我们已经知道目标模式,该模式可能由另一个系统提供或在另一个函数中推断出来。在转换过程中推断模式是一个具有挑战性的命题;许多系统会检查前 N 行以推断模式(如果还没有可用模式)。
在顶层,我们定义一个函数 ConvertToRecordBatch
495arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>> ConvertToRecordBatch(
496 const std::vector<rapidjson::Document>& rows, std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> schema) {
497 // RecordBatchBuilder will create array builders for us for each field in our
498 // schema. By passing the number of output rows (`rows.size()`) we can
499 // pre-allocate the correct size of arrays, except of course in the case of
500 // string, byte, and list arrays, which have dynamic lengths.
501 std::unique_ptr<arrow::RecordBatchBuilder> batch_builder;
503 batch_builder,
504 arrow::RecordBatchBuilder::Make(schema, arrow::default_memory_pool(), rows.size()));
506 // Inner converter will take rows and be responsible for appending values
507 // to provided array builders.
508 JsonValueConverter converter(rows);
509 for (int i = 0; i < batch_builder->num_fields(); ++i) {
510 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> field = schema->field(i);
511 arrow::ArrayBuilder* builder = batch_builder->GetField(i);
512 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(converter.Convert(*field.get(), builder));
513 }
515 std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch;
516 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(batch, batch_builder->Flush());
518 // Use RecordBatch::ValidateFull() to make sure arrays were correctly constructed.
519 DCHECK_OK(batch->ValidateFull());
520 return batch;
521} // ConvertToRecordBatch
首先,我们使用 arrow::RecordBatchBuilder
,它可以方便地为模式中的每个字段创建构建器。然后,我们遍历模式的字段,获取构建器,并在我们的 JsonValueConverter
上调用 Convert()
(接下来将讨论)。最后,我们调用 batch->ValidateFull()
负责将提供的字段的行值追加到提供的数组构建器。为了专门化每种数据类型的逻辑,它实现了 Visit
方法并调用 arrow::VisitTypeInline()
在该类的末尾是私有方法 FieldValues()
,它返回当前字段在所有行中的列值的迭代器。在扁平的基于行的结构(例如值的向量)中,这可能很容易实现。但是,如果模式是嵌套的(例如在 JSON 文档中),则需要一个特殊的迭代器来导航嵌套级别。有关 DocValuesIterator
323class JsonValueConverter {
324 public:
325 explicit JsonValueConverter(const std::vector<rapidjson::Document>& rows)
326 : rows_(rows), array_levels_(0) {}
328 JsonValueConverter(const std::vector<rapidjson::Document>& rows,
329 const std::vector<std::string>& root_path, int64_t array_levels)
330 : rows_(rows), root_path_(root_path), array_levels_(array_levels) {}
332 /// \brief For field passed in, append corresponding values to builder
333 arrow::Status Convert(const arrow::Field& field, arrow::ArrayBuilder* builder) {
334 return Convert(field, field.name(), builder);
335 }
337 /// \brief For field passed in, append corresponding values to builder
338 arrow::Status Convert(const arrow::Field& field, const std::string& field_name,
339 arrow::ArrayBuilder* builder) {
340 field_name_ = field_name;
341 builder_ = builder;
342 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::VisitTypeInline(*field.type().get(), this));
343 return arrow::Status::OK();
344 }
346 // Default implementation
347 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::DataType& type) {
348 return arrow::Status::NotImplemented(
349 "Cannot convert json value to Arrow array of type ", type.ToString());
350 }
352 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::Int64Type& type) {
353 arrow::Int64Builder* builder = static_cast<arrow::Int64Builder*>(builder_);
354 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
355 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
356 if (value->IsNull()) {
357 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->AppendNull());
358 } else {
359 if (value->IsUint()) {
360 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetUint()));
361 } else if (value->IsInt()) {
362 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetInt()));
363 } else if (value->IsUint64()) {
364 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetUint64()));
365 } else if (value->IsInt64()) {
366 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetInt64()));
367 } else {
368 return arrow::Status::Invalid("Value is not an integer");
369 }
370 }
371 }
372 return arrow::Status::OK();
373 }
375 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::DoubleType& type) {
376 arrow::DoubleBuilder* builder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder*>(builder_);
377 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
378 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
379 if (value->IsNull()) {
380 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->AppendNull());
381 } else {
382 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetDouble()));
383 }
384 }
385 return arrow::Status::OK();
386 }
388 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::StringType& type) {
389 arrow::StringBuilder* builder = static_cast<arrow::StringBuilder*>(builder_);
390 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
391 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
392 if (value->IsNull()) {
393 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->AppendNull());
394 } else {
395 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetString()));
396 }
397 }
398 return arrow::Status::OK();
399 }
401 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::BooleanType& type) {
402 arrow::BooleanBuilder* builder = static_cast<arrow::BooleanBuilder*>(builder_);
403 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
404 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
405 if (value->IsNull()) {
406 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->AppendNull());
407 } else {
408 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(value->GetBool()));
409 }
410 }
411 return arrow::Status::OK();
412 }
414 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::StructType& type) {
415 arrow::StructBuilder* builder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder*>(builder_);
417 std::vector<std::string> child_path(root_path_);
418 if (field_name_.size() > 0) {
419 child_path.push_back(field_name_);
420 }
421 auto child_converter = JsonValueConverter(rows_, child_path, array_levels_);
423 for (int i = 0; i < type.num_fields(); ++i) {
424 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> child_field = type.field(i);
425 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder> child_builder = builder->child_builder(i);
428 child_converter.Convert(*child_field.get(), child_builder.get()));
429 }
431 // Make null bitmap
432 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
433 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
434 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(!value->IsNull()));
435 }
437 return arrow::Status::OK();
438 }
440 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::ListType& type) {
441 arrow::ListBuilder* builder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder*>(builder_);
443 // Values and offsets needs to be interleaved in ListBuilder, so first collect the
444 // values
445 std::unique_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder> tmp_value_builder;
446 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(tmp_value_builder,
447 arrow::MakeBuilder(builder->value_builder()->type()));
448 std::vector<std::string> child_path(root_path_);
449 child_path.push_back(field_name_);
450 auto child_converter = JsonValueConverter(rows_, child_path, array_levels_ + 1);
452 child_converter.Convert(*type.value_field().get(), "", tmp_value_builder.get()));
454 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> values_array;
455 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(tmp_value_builder->Finish(&values_array));
456 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData> values_data = values_array->data();
458 arrow::ArrayBuilder* value_builder = builder->value_builder();
459 int64_t offset = 0;
460 for (const auto& maybe_value : FieldValues()) {
461 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, maybe_value);
462 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(!value->IsNull()));
463 if (!value->IsNull() && value->Size() > 0) {
465 value_builder->AppendArraySlice(*values_data.get(), offset, value->Size()));
466 offset += value->Size();
467 }
468 }
470 return arrow::Status::OK();
471 }
473 private:
474 std::string field_name_;
475 arrow::ArrayBuilder* builder_;
476 const std::vector<rapidjson::Document>& rows_;
477 std::vector<std::string> root_path_;
478 int64_t array_levels_;
480 /// Return a flattened iterator over values at nested location
481 arrow::Iterator<const rapidjson::Value*> FieldValues() {
482 std::vector<std::string> path(root_path_);
483 if (field_name_.size() > 0) {
484 path.push_back(field_name_);
485 }
486 auto iter = DocValuesIterator(rows_, std::move(path), array_levels_);
487 auto fn = [iter]() mutable -> arrow::Result<const rapidjson::Value*> {
488 return iter.Next();
489 };
491 return arrow::MakeFunctionIterator(fn);
492 }
493}; // JsonValueConverter
从 Arrow 写入转换#
要将 Arrow 记录批次转换回行,我们将分批处理表格,访问批次的每个字段并逐列填充输出行。
在顶层,我们定义了 ArrowToDocumentConverter
,它提供了将 Arrow 批次和表格转换为行的 API。在许多情况下,以较小的批次执行到行的转换比一次性转换整个表更优化。因此,我们定义了一个 ConvertToVector
方法来转换单个批次,然后在另一个转换方法中,我们使用 arrow::TableBatchReader
遍历表的切片。这将返回 Arrow 的迭代器类型(arrow::Iterator
179class ArrowToDocumentConverter {
180 public:
181 /// Convert a single batch of Arrow data into Documents
182 arrow::Result<std::vector<rapidjson::Document>> ConvertToVector(
183 std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch) {
184 RowBatchBuilder builder{batch->num_rows()};
186 for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_columns(); ++i) {
187 builder.SetField(batch->schema()->field(i).get());
188 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::VisitArrayInline(*batch->column(i).get(), &builder));
189 }
191 return std::move(builder).Rows();
192 }
194 /// Convert an Arrow table into an iterator of Documents
195 arrow::Iterator<rapidjson::Document> ConvertToIterator(
196 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table, size_t batch_size) {
197 // Use TableBatchReader to divide table into smaller batches. The batches
198 // created are zero-copy slices with *at most* `batch_size` rows.
199 auto batch_reader = std::make_shared<arrow::TableBatchReader>(*table);
200 batch_reader->set_chunksize(batch_size);
202 auto read_batch = [this](const std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& batch)
203 -> arrow::Result<arrow::Iterator<rapidjson::Document>> {
204 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto rows, ConvertToVector(batch));
205 return arrow::MakeVectorIterator(std::move(rows));
206 };
208 auto nested_iter = arrow::MakeMaybeMapIterator(
209 read_batch, arrow::MakeIteratorFromReader(std::move(batch_reader)));
211 return arrow::MakeFlattenIterator(std::move(nested_iter));
212 }
213}; // ArrowToDocumentConverter
下一层,输出行由 RowBatchBuilder
实现了 Visit()
方法,但为了节省代码,我们使用 arrow::enable_if_primitive_ctype
为具有基本 C 等效项(布尔值、整数和浮点数)的数组类型编写了一个模板方法。有关其他类型谓词,请参阅类型特征。
57class RowBatchBuilder {
58 public:
59 explicit RowBatchBuilder(int64_t num_rows) : field_(nullptr) {
60 // Reserve all of the space required up-front to avoid unnecessary resizing
61 rows_.reserve(num_rows);
63 for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
64 rows_.push_back(rapidjson::Document());
65 rows_[i].SetObject();
66 }
67 }
69 /// \brief Set which field to convert.
70 void SetField(const arrow::Field* field) { field_ = field; }
72 /// \brief Retrieve converted rows from builder.
73 std::vector<rapidjson::Document> Rows() && { return std::move(rows_); }
75 // Default implementation
76 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::Array& array) {
77 return arrow::Status::NotImplemented(
78 "Cannot convert to json document for array of type ", array.type()->ToString());
79 }
81 // Handles booleans, integers, floats
82 template <typename ArrayType, typename DataClass = typename ArrayType::TypeClass>
83 arrow::enable_if_primitive_ctype<DataClass, arrow::Status> Visit(
84 const ArrayType& array) {
85 assert(static_cast<int64_t>(rows_.size()) == array.length());
86 for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); ++i) {
87 if (!array.IsNull(i)) {
88 rapidjson::Value str_key(field_->name(), rows_[i].GetAllocator());
89 rows_[i].AddMember(str_key, array.Value(i), rows_[i].GetAllocator());
90 }
91 }
92 return arrow::Status::OK();
93 }
95 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::StringArray& array) {
96 assert(static_cast<int64_t>(rows_.size()) == array.length());
97 for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); ++i) {
98 if (!array.IsNull(i)) {
99 rapidjson::Value str_key(field_->name(), rows_[i].GetAllocator());
100 std::string_view value_view = array.Value(i);
101 rapidjson::Value value;
102 value.SetString(value_view.data(),
103 static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(value_view.size()),
104 rows_[i].GetAllocator());
105 rows_[i].AddMember(str_key, value, rows_[i].GetAllocator());
106 }
107 }
108 return arrow::Status::OK();
109 }
111 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::StructArray& array) {
112 const arrow::StructType* type = array.struct_type();
114 assert(static_cast<int64_t>(rows_.size()) == array.length());
116 RowBatchBuilder child_builder(rows_.size());
117 for (int i = 0; i < type->num_fields(); ++i) {
118 const arrow::Field* child_field = type->field(i).get();
119 child_builder.SetField(child_field);
120 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::VisitArrayInline(*array.field(i).get(), &child_builder));
121 }
122 std::vector<rapidjson::Document> rows = std::move(child_builder).Rows();
124 for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); ++i) {
125 if (!array.IsNull(i)) {
126 rapidjson::Value str_key(field_->name(), rows_[i].GetAllocator());
127 // Must copy value to new allocator
128 rapidjson::Value row_val;
129 row_val.CopyFrom(rows[i], rows_[i].GetAllocator());
130 rows_[i].AddMember(str_key, row_val, rows_[i].GetAllocator());
131 }
132 }
133 return arrow::Status::OK();
134 }
136 arrow::Status Visit(const arrow::ListArray& array) {
137 assert(static_cast<int64_t>(rows_.size()) == array.length());
138 // First create rows from values
139 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> values = array.values();
140 RowBatchBuilder child_builder(values->length());
141 const arrow::Field* value_field = array.list_type()->value_field().get();
142 std::string value_field_name = value_field->name();
143 child_builder.SetField(value_field);
144 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::VisitArrayInline(*values.get(), &child_builder));
146 std::vector<rapidjson::Document> rows = std::move(child_builder).Rows();
148 int64_t values_i = 0;
149 for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); ++i) {
150 if (array.IsNull(i)) continue;
152 rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = rows_[i].GetAllocator();
153 auto array_len = array.value_length(i);
155 rapidjson::Value value;
156 value.SetArray();
157 value.Reserve(array_len, allocator);
159 for (int64_t j = 0; j < array_len; ++j) {
160 rapidjson::Value row_val;
161 // Must copy value to new allocator
162 row_val.CopyFrom(rows[values_i][value_field_name], allocator);
163 value.PushBack(row_val, allocator);
164 ++values_i;
165 }
167 rapidjson::Value str_key(field_->name(), allocator);
168 rows_[i].AddMember(str_key, value, allocator);
169 }
171 return arrow::Status::OK();
172 }
174 private:
175 const arrow::Field* field_;
176 std::vector<rapidjson::Document> rows_;
177}; // RowBatchBuilder